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Scholarship from AGH University of Science and Technology

Scholarship from AGH University of Science and Technology

  (CHD Education) - AGH University of Science and Technology, founded in 1919, is a technical and scientific training university. The school aims to train honest science and technology research staff who are responsible both in work and other social fields.

Admissions Study in Austria Summer Term 2017

Admissions Study in Austria Summer Term 2017

(CHD Oversea Study) - The Republic of Austia is a federated State in Central Europe, bordered by countries such as Germany, Switzerland, etc. Austria is heavily influenced by German culture and education, about 98% population of Austria use German as their mother tongue.
Learn about studying abroad in Germany 2017

Learn about studying abroad in Germany 2017

(CHD EDUCATION) Germany is a European country with a developed economy, topping the EU, and fourth in the world. Currently, Germany is not only the first choice for the decision to study in the university of young people but also the choice of many bachelors who want to study...
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