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Kết quả tìm kiếm cho từ khóa "study in singapore"

Study in Singapore: Singapore Tourism Management Institute - TMIS

Study in Singapore: Singapore Tourism Management Institute - TMIS

(Study in CHD)TMIS is a national vocational education and training institute that provides training in travel services and areas of attraction to tourists. Let's study with CHD Training and Oversea Study Consultation Company Limited find the information about this place. TMIS is a national vocational education and training institute that provides...
Overseas study in Singapore in 2017 at MDIS

Overseas study in Singapore in 2017 at MDIS

(CHD overseas study) The curriculum includes 6 hours of English language study per day (30 hours per week), students will learn and visit the Singapore's famous tourist destinations at weekend. This is a great option for students who are interested in studying in Singapore and want to improve their English...
AMITY Academy – The dream school of many students

AMITY Academy – The dream school of many students

(Study with CHD) Amity International Business School in Singapore is a member of Business School system of Amity International group, the leading Asian present at the world as the US, UK, India, Singapore, China, Mauritius. ...
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